Highspeed bei hoher Auflösung

Mit dem µsprint C3x präsentiert NanoFocus die neueste Ausbaustufe des Highspeed- Sensors. Bei 10-fach höherer axialer Auflösung und einer lateralen Auflösung bis 0,5 µm erfasst µsprint C3x mit seinen 256 Kanälen mehr als 5 Millionen 3D-Messpunkte pro Sekunde.

3D-Oberflächenanalyse für Brennstoffzellen

Die neue Messgerätegeneration der µscan CLM-FC-Serie kommt zum Einsatz, um kleinste Risse und Fehler in Dichtmaterialien und Beschichtungen zu entdecken und die Gasdiffusionsschicht (GDL) auf Porosität und Fehlstellen zu prüfen.


Optical metrology, surface metrology, confocal microscope

Optical 3D measurement technology: production and inline control, laboratory systems, optical profilometers, mobile solutions as well as analysis and automation software. Read more


Messe Stuttgart


roughness measurement, surface measurement, surface analysis

From roughness measurement in the automotive industry to wear analyses in machine engineering - view selected applications of our metrology and software. Read more 

Career at NanoFocus

Optical metrology, surface metrology, optical surface metrology, career

We are always looking for qualified and motivated new colleagues. Please contact our head office in Oberhausen/Germany to learn more about our current vacancies. Read more




Confocal microscope, confocal microscopy, profilometry

Find out more about the measuring principle of our patented measurment technology and about the norm conformity of our systems and software. Read more

Technical support

Optical metrology, surface metrology, optical surface metrology

NanoFocus offers you all services for our measurement technology from a single source: from contract measurements and training to maintenance of your measuring system.

Our customer service provides competent help to all your questions. Read more

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NanoFocus attends numerous trade shows and congresses in Germany and around the world. Visit us and gain a first-hand impression of the efficiency and performance of our optical 3D measurement systems. Using our online trade show ticket service you can request free tickets to many trade shows in Germany.

If you require more information about our trade show attendances and other events, please contact Barbara Rutkowski at +49 (0)208 62 000-85 or rutkowski(at) nanofocus.de.

We look forward to meeting you!