back to overviewSolar technology
Increasing efficiency and securing quality
Due to the constant demand for ever more efficient and better quality solar cells, continuous process control is becoming increasingly important in the fields of research and development, the supply industry and production itself. NanoFocus offers high precision optical measurement solutions for the broad spectrum of laboratory and production applications in the photovoltaics industry. The optimum flexibility of the systems allows all measurement tasks to be performed using the same technology. In addition to standard solutions, NanoFocus also develops individual customer and industry solutions – tailored to individual applications, from hardware to software.
Examples of application
The optical 3D surface measurement systems of NanoFocus are widely used in the solar industry. Beginning in research and developement centers at universities and institutes and ending in the control of production processes. In order to guarantee error-free production right from the start many suppliers of the solar industry, such as wafer manufacturers and producers of wafer cutting and laser machines, use the contact-free measurement technology of NanoFocus.

The µsurf technology is ideally suited for DIN conforming roughness measurements on CIS. Defects and particles on the surfaces are detected automatically.
Products: µsurf solar, µsurf custom, µsoft analysis, µsoft automation

Wire guide rolls
The wafer cutting process can be controlled by inspection wire guide rolls. Numerous parameters can be detected and analyzed using µsurf mobile, the mobile measurement solutionof NanoFocus, directly in the process. Angles, depth and pitches of the grooves as well as their symetry and radius can be determined safely and quickly. µsurf mobile also reliably determines the straightness of edges.
Products: µsurf mobile, µsoft analysis, µsoft automation

Isolation channels
With the help of the µsurf technology microgeometric parameters of isolation channels are determined reliably. Abrasion of material and warping can be measured and analyzed in the most precise way.
Products: µsurf solar, µsurf custom, µsoft analysis

Measuring the height and width of contact fingers is indispensable in quality assurance of solar cells in order to optimize and control the printing process. The µsurf technology reliably determines the height and uniformity of electronic contacts such as fingers and busbars. The analysis of height and width can be automized, even on anti-reflective coatings.
Products: µsurf solar, µsurf custom, µsoft analysis

Laser ablation
The µsurf technology exactly quantifies the data of the material removal. This allows the fine adjustement of the laser and the optimization of the whole process.
Products: µsurf solar, µsurf custom, µsoft analysis

The µsurf technology measures laser scribes with high repeatabilty and nanometer precision within a few seconds. The 3D measurement systems determine the geometry of laser scribes and provide information for optimization of the material removal. Due to heating of the material, undesired melting may arise that can be quantified and corrected on the basis of the 3D data.
Products: µsurf solar, µsurf custom, µsoft analysis

Pyramid structures
µsurf solar is NanoFocus' powerful solution for the quantification and qualification of pyramid structures. The software determines many parameters with one measurement, such as distribution and number of the pyramids as well as their angles, height and homogeinity.
Products: µsurf solar, µsoft analysis

Structured surfaces
Products: µsurf solar, µsurf custom, µsoft analysis
Benefits at a glance
- Up to 30 area measurements in 1 minute
- One measurement system for all types of solar cells
- Nanometer accuracy
- Exact measurement of isolation channels
- Finger measurement with and without lights traps
- Defect detection
- Non-destructive measurements
- Roughness measurement compliant with current standard
- Simple and intuitive automation