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Determining the quality and wear of surfaces and cutting edges
High performance tools in continuous operation are subject to extreme demands. The quality of the cutting edges is a determining factor for the surface quality of the work piece. Typical wear Parameters, such as cratering volume, cannot be captured sufficiently enough using tactile profile measurements. To evaluate wear resistance close to production, the NanoFocus µsurf Technology can be implemented in the production environment – this reduces downtimes to a minimum and also saves money.
Examples of application
NanoFocus 3D surface measurement systems enable quality assurance close to production. Also for samples with awkward characteristics, such as steep slopes, the systems deliver exact and repeatable 3D measurement data within a few seconds.

Machining traces
The surface quality achieved on the workpiece with the tool can be inspected with µsurf technology. The 3D topology provides information on the surface quality attained, as well as the service life of the tool. It also allows for a direction-independent analysis. Even the finest structures can be captured and analyzed with µsurf. The µsoft analysis software performs structural analysis, as well as simple and quick calculation of volumes and facilitates extensive geometric measurements (depth, angle, etc.).
Products: µsurf custom, µscan custom, µsoft analysis

Erosion tools
Surface quality and geometry play a key role in the production of erosion tools. With the NanoFocus µsurf and µscan technologies, a target-actual comparison is possible on the basis of the measurement data. Their high precision of measurement allows the determination of surface roughness according to DIN EN ISO .
Products: µsurf custom, µscan custom, µsoft analysis

Razor blades
Blades have an optimized geometry to achieve the best possible cutting properties. It is therefore necessary to constantly regulate the grinding angle and material thickness on the production machines. The stereo-confocal-microscope µsurf blade captures both sides of a blade in a single measurement and evaluates the results automatically, as required.
Products: µsurf custom, µscan custom, µsoft blademaster, µsoft analysis

With NanoFocus technology, the wear of sandpaper, sanding discs and sanding belts can be determined exactly. The systems detect particle size and distribution, for example.
Products: µsprint topographer, µscan custom, µsoft analysis

Cutting inserts
Local wear (e.g. crater wear) leads to an instable cutting-edge and makes tools unusable. With the µsurf technology, steep edges and rough surfaces can be measured quickly and precisely. The crater volume and the absolute depth of cratering can be determined on base of the measurement data.
Products: µsurf custom, µsoft analysis

Tool blades
The geometry and surface properties of tools are a key influence on the quality of the machining process. The µsurf technology allows the absolute cutting angle and rounding of the cutting-edge to be determined quickly and reliably. The directional dependence of the 2D roughness on the machined surfaces, which may occur under certain circumstances, is resolved by determining the 3D roughness values. This is not possible with tactile measuring instruments or SEM.
Products: µsurf custom, µscan custom, µsoft analysis