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Fair Data Sheet

NanoFocus AG is a member of the Initiative Fair Data Sheet.

The initiative was initiated in the wish to increase the comparabilty of different measurement technologies using manufacturers' data sheets. This has for far not been the case: varying concepts and definitions in data sheets may leave customers confused, objective comparabilty is hardly possible.

With the support of important users of optical metrology including Robert Bosch GmbH, Audi AG, Daimler AG, Volkswagen AG a working groups was founded to introduce transparent terms. This allows metrology users to use data sheets for an objective evaluation of different metrology tools at the hands of clear definitions.

The initiative is supported by PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, the National Metrology Institute of Germany) , ZVEI (electrical and electronic manufacturers) and VDI (Association of German Engineers).

Further information about the Fair Data Sheet can be found on the website of the Initiative Fair Data Sheet.

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